Back to the roots
I’m back in Sweden, visiting my family for Christmas. Feels kind of weird to be back after 1 year. Did the same thing last year. Sweden has a very different feeling to it then Japan. It’s a lot less people over here, and the people is acting quite different(I know, it’s not really a new place, but still). It always feels strange the first time when moving to a different place. I’m not sure I like it. Well, It’s been very nice meeting my family again and some old friends.
This is the last day before I’m heading back to Japan again. I feel anxious and relieved at the same time now. Anxious because of the trip, I always feels in that way about trips, and relieved because its getting back to normal again, and because I really misses my girlfriend.
I’m also quite nervous because I have to go on an interview when I get back. Well, I better keep my shit together!